You know, it seems like Super Bowl Sunday is so far away, yet 200 days can pass by so fast. The work the Host Committee has ahead is exciting and a little frightening at the same time. After all, there is nothing like watching the fruits of your labor materialize into two of the biggest prime time games in the sporting world: Pro Bowl 2010 and Super Bowl XLIV.
Our commitment to the NFL has been to prepare South Florida for the Super Bowl, something few cities have had the opportunity to do, and this is our record tenth Super Bowl. We look forward to meeting those goals set by the NFL and bringing another great Super Bowl to the tropical destination that is South Florida. And when it's all over, we know you will help us make South Florida shine!
All of the Host Committee departments are working in full force to meet the goals set by the NFL and it can't go without saying how passionate the staff and interns have been day in and day out.
The Volunteers Department has continued its efforts to recruit a total of 6,000 to 8,000 volunteers by January - they are ahead of schedule and have secured over 2,500 volunteers already. Those interested in volunteering for the Host Committee can always
visit our site and help represent your community.
The Communications Department has been reaching out to local and national media outlets in order to gain exposure and spread the word about Super Bowl XLIV and Pro Bowl 2010. Not to mention, social networking, like this blog, has been a huge platform in updating sports fans about both games.
Our Community Outreach program has been very active in assisting local small minority and women-owned businesses through the NFL Emerging Business Program. This program helps stimulate growth in the local economy as well as promote diversity in the business sector. Other initiatives, like the
NFL Youth Education Towns (YETs) and other community-enhancing activities, have been undertaken by the Community Outreach Department in an effort to assist in bettering the community socially, financially and environmentally.
Last but not least, our Marketing Department has been working diligently to create relationships with various companies and media outlets in order to gain the necessary funding to carry out the Host Committee's duties and continue the awareness process on the road to Pro Bowl 2010 and Super Bowl XLIV.
Our sponsors continue to grow by the week and we are glad to have a solid group of supporters on our side.
In essence, Super Bowl Sunday may be 200 days away, but here the groundwork started months ago. We want to bring the best Super Bowl possible to South Florida and that can only be done through hard work and commitment each and every day. The clock is ticking and we are making sure every moment counts.
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